Sunday, 29 April 2012


So it's been a while since I last made a post but in my defense I was super busy.
This term is super interesting. First of all I have to make a short movie for my applied studies class. I will post it here when it's done.
Also I have to make a 15 min presentation about London. Luckily I am in a group of  people so it's gonna be alright. Lastly I need to wright an essay which I hope will not be too hard.
Most interesting news is that I got an internship, so now I am an intern. For those who don't know internship is when you work for free and get work experience, so that in the future when you finish your course you can get a good job.
In London internships are very important and right now it's the "internship season". To get an internship you have to send your cv with a covering letter to a lot of firms and organisations. Then some of them will respond and they will arrange an interview after which they will decide if you're the right candidate.
Currently I'm an intern at a model agency. My duties are simple but never the less I need do my best. It's a bit scary experience but fun at the same time.
For my course I need to do an internship in year 2 but I decided to start early and do it in year 1.

I 've talked about museums in London and how they are mostly free. My friend came to visit and we went to a couple of them. The geology museum was perhaps the best one because you can touch stuff there. Thats me at the entrance, being a happy little tourist.

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